all postcodes in TF11 / SHIFNAL

find any address or company within the TF11 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF11 9DQ 9 1 52.609671 -2.347098
TF11 9DR 9 0 52.614448 -2.381002
TF11 9DS 2 0 52.611899 -2.392615
TF11 9DT 1 0 52.609427 -2.409474
TF11 9DU 2 0 52.606947 -2.408253
TF11 9DW 9 0 52.611175 -2.355351
TF11 9DX 3 0 52.601283 -2.403965
TF11 9DY 5 0 52.601605 -2.404293
TF11 9DZ 3 0 52.602022 -2.403278
TF11 9EA 9 0 52.602404 -2.402174
TF11 9EB 1 0 52.60239 -2.400875
TF11 9ED 26 2 52.601668 -2.400821
TF11 9EE 15 1 52.599682 -2.401485
TF11 9EF 6 1 52.5933 -2.401234
TF11 9EG 4 0 52.590975 -2.392194
TF11 9EJ 4 0 52.593191 -2.41973
TF11 9EL 8 0 52.591445 -2.422887
TF11 9EN 2 0 52.591086 -2.411412
TF11 9EP 2 0 52.602965 -2.383705
TF11 9EQ 27 1 52.5986 -2.407764