all postcodes in TF11 / SHIFNAL

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Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF11 9ES 11 3 52.602452 -2.365128
TF11 9ET 1 1 52.603161 -2.365622
TF11 9EW 2 0 52.59859 -2.388362
TF11 9EZ 3 1 52.651933 -2.346664
TF11 9HA 10 0 52.661082 -2.37125
TF11 9HB 30 0 52.661318 -2.373322
TF11 9HD 35 2 52.657798 -2.371279
TF11 9HE 5 0 52.649337 -2.369776
TF11 9HF 10 3 52.654979 -2.362314
TF11 9HG 2 0 52.653489 -2.351567
TF11 9HH 4 0 52.654101 -2.343149
TF11 9HJ 2 0 52.656519 -2.338936
TF11 9HL 1 0 52.644043 -2.357908
TF11 9HN 1 0 52.645229 -2.345843
TF11 9HP 1 0 52.646906 -2.33789
TF11 9HR 1 0 52.642241 -2.344105
TF11 9HS 6 0 52.635953 -2.348577
TF11 9HT 2 0 52.640538 -2.337941
TF11 9HU 4 0 52.642783 -2.333542
TF11 9HW 1 0 52.647555 -2.339591