all postcodes in TF12 / BROSELEY

find any address or company within the TF12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF12 5HF 12 1 52.6139 -2.486434
TF12 5HG 13 0 52.613126 -2.486009
TF12 5HH 2 0 52.613645 -2.486621
TF12 5HJ 9 0 52.613787 -2.485502
TF12 5HL 17 0 52.6129 -2.484724
TF12 5HN 1 0 52.612337 -2.483965
TF12 5HP 9 0 52.612499 -2.483241
TF12 5HQ 2 0 52.612752 -2.485163
TF12 5HR 8 0 52.611707 -2.484076
TF12 5HS 18 0 52.611825 -2.483248
TF12 5HT 9 1 52.61185 -2.482231
TF12 5HU 16 0 52.610776 -2.483135
TF12 5HW 14 0 52.612968 -2.483617
TF12 5HX 25 0 52.610577 -2.483428
TF12 5HY 9 0 52.611197 -2.483583
TF12 5HZ 1 1 52.614012 -2.484749
TF12 5JA 1 1 52.619181 -2.47893
TF12 5JB 24 0 52.611083 -2.482073
TF12 5JD 2 0 52.611684 -2.486717
TF12 5JE 3 0 52.607283 -2.477884