all postcodes in TF12 / BROSELEY

find any address or company within the TF12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF12 5LP 5 3 52.614951 -2.482354
TF12 5LR 10 0 52.614263 -2.483425
TF12 5LS 17 0 52.615024 -2.483534
TF12 5LT 2 0 52.614935 -2.483208
TF12 5LU 10 0 52.615793 -2.48437
TF12 5LW 3 2 52.615631 -2.478551
TF12 5LX 6 0 52.616851 -2.485994
TF12 5LY 2 0 52.617037 -2.485757
TF12 5LZ 7 3 52.617559 -2.486445
TF12 5NA 27 1 52.616812 -2.486569
TF12 5NB 15 0 52.615769 -2.485965
TF12 5NE 11 2 52.616976 -2.483275
TF12 5NG 30 0 52.615579 -2.482583
TF12 5NH 4 0 52.614926 -2.486283
TF12 5NJ 18 0 52.6148 -2.487593
TF12 5NN 2 0 52.614956 -2.487019
TF12 5NP 2 0 52.613474 -2.482291
TF12 5NQ 7 0 52.615362 -2.486477
TF12 5NR 17 1 52.614042 -2.48258
TF12 5NS 12 0 52.61792 -2.479447