all postcodes in TF2 / SHIFNAL

find any address or company within the TF2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF2 9BA 7 0 52.695856 -2.434298
TF2 9BB 9 0 52.696745 -2.434396
TF2 9BD 18 0 52.697358 -2.4364
TF2 9BG 4 0 52.695667 -2.435937
TF2 9BH 2 0 52.698027 -2.436982
TF2 9BJ 2 0 52.699568 -2.438299
TF2 9BL 7 1 52.699643 -2.43842
TF2 9BN 29 0 52.700338 -2.437732
TF2 9BP 8 0 52.698507 -2.441738
TF2 9BQ 1 1 52.70025 -2.441132
TF2 9BS 4 0 52.699238 -2.443344
TF2 9BT 12 0 52.699752 -2.443009
TF2 9BU 9 0 52.699013 -2.445961
TF2 9BW 6 5 52.703218 -2.434431
TF2 9BX 7 0 52.698484 -2.447909
TF2 9BY 8 0 52.696987 -2.444298
TF2 9BZ 7 0 52.696062 -2.436979
TF2 9DA 5 0 52.69888 -2.443089
TF2 9DD 4 0 52.692341 -2.439057
TF2 9DE 16 0 52.693034 -2.438857