all postcodes in TF2 / SHIFNAL

find any address or company within the TF2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF2 9EF 6 0 52.689081 -2.435844
TF2 9EG 16 0 52.688977 -2.437204
TF2 9EH 22 0 52.68909 -2.43824
TF2 9EJ 4 0 52.689547 -2.438733
TF2 9EL 2 0 52.689641 -2.438955
TF2 9EN 8 0 52.690291 -2.439303
TF2 9EP 2 0 52.690457 -2.439717
TF2 9EQ 20 0 52.688729 -2.438518
TF2 9ER 24 0 52.689948 -2.437302
TF2 9ES 25 0 52.69028 -2.437261
TF2 9ET 12 0 52.69057 -2.436643
TF2 9EU 25 0 52.6906 -2.43577
TF2 9EW 14 0 52.689775 -2.437863
TF2 9EX 36 0 52.691584 -2.434626
TF2 9EY 12 0 52.691587 -2.434004
TF2 9EZ 17 0 52.690343 -2.434983
TF2 9FA 7 0 52.688251 -2.436708
TF2 9FD 47 0 52.694201 -2.414322
TF2 9FE 17 0 52.693619 -2.413798
TF2 9FF 11 0 52.69324 -2.413068