all postcodes in TF2 / SHIFNAL

find any address or company within the TF2 postcode district

Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF2 9DF 10 0 52.692413 -2.443985
TF2 9DG 6 0 52.699055 -2.437038
TF2 9DH 22 0 52.692399 -2.440434
TF2 9DJ 16 0 52.690985 -2.441026
TF2 9DL 8 0 52.691511 -2.439996
TF2 9DN 12 0 52.692523 -2.44335
TF2 9DP 43 0 52.693129 -2.442335
TF2 9DQ 15 0 52.691596 -2.441284
TF2 9DR 3 0 52.693281 -2.440132
TF2 9DS 20 0 52.692284 -2.439856
TF2 9DT 6 0 52.692136 -2.438552
TF2 9DU 3 0 52.690911 -2.439235
TF2 9DW 23 0 52.692607 -2.442626
TF2 9DX 6 0 52.690703 -2.439633
TF2 9DY 2 0 52.690087 -2.440098
TF2 9DZ 15 0 52.690715 -2.441349
TF2 9EA 39 1 52.689031 -2.439645
TF2 9EB 14 0 52.687734 -2.437798
TF2 9ED 4 0 52.687844 -2.437296
TF2 9EE 13 0 52.6887 -2.436801