all postcodes in TF3 / TELFORD

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Postcode Area

TF / Telford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TF3 3AA 1 1 52.677945 -2.430305
TF3 3AB 9 9 52.6757 -2.414324
TF3 3AD 1 0 52.675455 -2.410018
TF3 3AH 5 4 52.669822 -2.416753
TF3 3AJ 1 1 52.66696 -2.422744
TF3 3AP 1 1 52.680739 -2.433172
TF3 3AR 3 3 52.679004 -2.429796
TF3 3AS 2 2 52.677947 -2.418737
TF3 3AT 30 28 52.677809 -2.414668
TF3 3BN 8 7 52.674234 -2.422237
TF3 3AY 18 15 52.673648 -2.414318
TF3 3AZ 9 8 52.671293 -2.424411
TF3 3BA 68 45 52.675578 -2.421097
TF3 3BB 26 20 52.675069 -2.42921
TF3 3BD 40 33 52.679332 -2.433601
TF3 3BH 1 1 52.677174 -2.422281
TF3 3BJ 36 32 52.671155 -2.420921
TF3 3BP 1 1 52.674521 -2.411472
TF3 3BQ 9 7 52.680141 -2.427102
TF3 3BS 4 4 52.672468 -2.427514