all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 7TS 11 0 51.337886 0.179569
TN14 7TT 4 0 51.339819 0.177665
TN14 7TU 7 0 51.339222 0.172037
TN14 7TW 8 0 51.337382 0.180062
TN14 7TX 5 0 51.33939 0.169762
TN14 7TY 2 0 51.336349 0.155217
TN14 7UA 8 0 51.346626 0.169472
TN14 7UB 19 1 51.350103 0.171058
TN14 7UD 6 3 51.342972 0.191312
TN14 7UE 3 0 51.33693 0.193637
TN14 7WE 1 1 51.270282 0.191708
TN14 7XQ 1 1 51.270282 0.191708
TN14 7ZB 1 0 51.270282 0.191708
TN14 7QQ 0 51.317341 0.074837
TN14 7BF 1 0 51.344858 0.157556
TN14 7BJ 0 51.333428 0.127589
TN14 7DF 0 51.327203 0.116277