all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 7LG 15 1 51.31284 0.116836
TN14 7LH 20 0 51.314361 0.117236
TN14 7LJ 2 2 51.315085 0.115518
TN14 7LL 1 0 51.31296 0.110169
TN14 7LN 1 0 51.313439 0.11055
TN14 7LP 9 4 51.315996 0.137632
TN14 7LQ 3 0 51.311382 0.106897
TN14 7LR 4 0 51.312643 0.108805
TN14 7LS 8 1 51.309144 0.103824
TN14 7LT 1 0 51.308678 0.102727
TN14 7LU 7 0 51.316135 0.13151
TN14 7NA 7 0 51.316237 0.122876
TN14 7NB 23 0 51.316297 0.121559
TN14 7ND 17 0 51.318002 0.118809
TN14 7NE 17 1 51.316911 0.122419
TN14 7NG 3 0 51.319619 0.115928
TN14 7NH 6 0 51.318921 0.115752
TN14 7NJ 4 0 51.328582 0.117604
TN14 7NL 16 1 51.327882 0.119481
TN14 7NN 1 1 51.32926 0.119846