all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 7RB 8 0 51.338284 0.080004
TN14 7RD 3 0 51.339773 0.08076
TN14 7RE 7 0 51.339019 0.081688
TN14 7RF 7 0 51.338663 0.081485
TN14 7RG 8 0 51.334543 0.080007
TN14 7RP 10 2 51.327371 0.180621
TN14 7RR 5 0 51.327239 0.196318
TN14 7RS 3 0 51.328675 0.201739
TN14 7RT 2 1 51.332539 0.188961
TN14 7RU 5 0 51.33185 0.190206
TN14 7RX 27 0 51.330075 0.183663
TN14 7RY 13 1 51.332653 0.182852
TN14 7SA 2 1 51.331431 0.187602
TN14 7SB 12 0 51.333067 0.183331
TN14 7SD 11 0 51.33337 0.181995
TN14 7SE 12 0 51.333867 0.181417
TN14 7SG 6 0 51.33358 0.180398
TN14 7SH 12 0 51.334111 0.178959
TN14 7SJ 7 1 51.333289 0.180097
TN14 7SL 7 0 51.333278 0.17925