all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 6LB 15 2 51.22477 0.129678
TN14 6LD 7 1 51.224775 0.140735
TN14 6LE 2 0 51.229981 0.140244
TN14 6LG 7 0 51.230005 0.146865
TN14 6LH 3 0 51.233113 0.148557
TN14 6LS 2 0 51.244892 0.186917
TN14 6LT 17 0 51.238048 0.188471
TN14 6LU 10 0 51.238497 0.187518
TN14 6LX 11 0 51.236056 0.181944
TN14 6LY 16 0 51.240947 0.170928
TN14 6NA 1 0 51.239959 0.165436
TN14 6NB 6 0 51.235898 0.169172
TN14 6ND 4 0 51.230135 0.168128
TN14 6NE 4 0 51.233629 0.178491
TN14 6NF 6 1 51.235326 0.174288
TN14 6NG 2 0 51.229088 0.183231
TN14 6NH 12 0 51.23507 0.184648
TN14 6NJ 14 0 51.235519 0.184239
TN14 6NL 8 0 51.224846 0.188831
TN14 6NN 13 0 51.226497 0.195356