all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 6NP 14 3 51.227402 0.198923
TN14 6NQ 9 0 51.2227 0.182472
TN14 6PA 2 0 51.237429 0.19119
TN14 6PB 30 1 51.240078 0.190487
TN14 6PD 3 0 51.238008 0.190618
TN14 6PE 22 0 51.237972 0.1901
TN14 6PG 12 0 51.237158 0.192268
TN14 6PH 11 0 51.237362 0.189556
TN14 6PJ 12 0 51.236951 0.19028
TN14 6PL 3 1 51.237116 0.188711
TN14 6PN 1 1 51.23726 0.187803
TN14 6PP 10 0 51.23677 0.188525
TN14 6PR 7 0 51.23705 0.187478
TN14 6PS 3 0 51.235937 0.187869
TN14 6PT 3 0 51.236222 0.186506
TN14 6PU 5 0 51.236242 0.185964
TN14 6PX 2 0 51.237442 0.187122
TN14 6PY 8 2 51.236777 0.18563
TN14 6QA 16 0 51.236542 0.189646
TN14 6QB 16 0 51.235284 0.190473