all postcodes in TN14 / SEVENOAKS

find any address or company within the TN14 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN14 6QD 8 0 51.23511 0.191182
TN14 6QE 11 0 51.236391 0.18908
TN14 6QG 16 0 51.235617 0.189544
TN14 6QH 26 0 51.236214 0.190819
TN14 6QJ 5 0 51.236046 0.191628
TN14 6QL 7 0 51.235601 0.191879
TN14 6QN 2 0 51.236746 0.191187
TN14 6QP 21 0 51.236217 0.192581
TN14 6QR 4 1 51.237233 0.198804
TN14 6QS 12 0 51.236834 0.192768
TN14 6QT 4 0 51.236837 0.191665
TN14 6QU 3 0 51.236577 0.19161
TN14 6QX 12 1 51.236783 0.197436
TN14 6QY 12 0 51.238284 0.202708
TN14 6RB 9 0 51.236853 0.189832
TN14 6WZ 1 0 51.270282 0.191708
TN14 6ZY 1 1 51.270282 0.191708
TN14 6WE 1 51.270282 0.191708
TN14 6AF 15 0 51.254986 0.109892
TN14 6EY 7 0 51.255057 0.110469