all postcodes in TN28 / ROMNEY MARSH

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN28 8BN 7 50.985286 0.938951
TN28 8BP 1 50.988623 0.942205
TN28 8BQ 0 50.989664 0.945456
TN28 8BS 2 50.98747 0.942923
TN28 8BT 1 50.985445 0.939417
TN28 8BU 6 50.984974 0.938169
TN28 8BW 4 50.985486 0.939562
TN28 8BY 6 50.98557 0.939083
TN28 8BZ 5 50.985778 0.93978
TN28 8DA 1 50.986134 0.940679
TN28 8DD 2 50.985229 0.938029
TN28 8DE 13 0 50.984895 0.938755
TN28 8DF 7 0 50.984705 0.938444
TN28 8DG 5 0 50.985067 0.937306
TN28 8DH 11 0 50.984564 0.936562
TN28 8DJ 4 0 50.985542 0.936652
TN28 8DL 6 0 50.985519 0.937569
TN28 8DN 9 0 50.985563 0.938335
TN28 8DQ 5 0 50.985252 0.937104
TN28 8DR 13 2 50.986212 0.938596