all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

find any address or company within the TN39 postcode district

Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 4SQ 30 3 50.844296 0.435594
TN39 4SR 25 0 50.838418 0.426339
TN39 4SS 24 0 50.839614 0.428518
TN39 4ST 23 0 50.838245 0.42886
TN39 4SU 5 0 50.837681 0.428048
TN39 4SW 5 0 50.841124 0.42942
TN39 4SX 12 0 50.841244 0.427566
TN39 4SY 24 1 50.84356 0.432075
TN39 4SZ 7 1 50.843088 0.432719
TN39 4TA 6 0 50.840359 0.432463
TN39 4TB 10 0 50.840966 0.431415
TN39 4TD 6 0 50.839491 0.431423
TN39 4TE 10 0 50.838176 0.431937
TN39 4TF 6 0 50.845195 0.431337
TN39 4TG 13 0 50.838775 0.432977
TN39 4TH 5 0 50.836787 0.429934
TN39 4TJ 15 0 50.837511 0.432741
TN39 4TL 28 0 50.837215 0.432314
TN39 4TN 13 0 50.837296 0.424094
TN39 4TP 18 0 50.837122 0.428133