all postcodes in TN39 / BEXHILL-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN39 4TQ 19 0 50.838697 0.430246
TN39 4TR 26 2 50.835456 0.427579
TN39 4TT 3 2 50.83341 0.427585
TN39 4TW 28 0 50.83665 0.42443
TN39 4TX 17 1 50.832193 0.422523
TN39 4TY 21 0 50.839809 0.430403
TN39 4TZ 7 0 50.840478 0.430239
TN39 4UD 13 0 50.851815 0.460069
TN39 4WN 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 4XA 12 0 50.842208 0.432659
TN39 4XB 8 0 50.842311 0.432039
TN39 4XD 19 0 50.8418 0.43197
TN39 4XE 15 0 50.841587 0.431376
TN39 4XH 3 0 50.845516 0.447364
TN39 4XZ 1 1 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 4ZR 1 0 50.840443 0.474243
TN39 4RJ 0 50.851127 0.435836
TN39 4BW 0 50.832745 0.42623
TN39 4BY 1 50.854991 0.45532
TN39 4BZ 1 50.84587 0.436486