all postcodes in TN3 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN30 7AY 25 0 51.070173 0.699082
TN30 7AZ 17 0 51.074738 0.698891
TN30 7BA 16 0 51.069585 0.69878
TN30 7BB 7 0 51.069715 0.701025
TN30 7BD 16 0 51.06898 0.700911
TN30 7BE 33 0 51.06841 0.704561
TN30 7BG 32 0 51.067912 0.703133
TN30 7BH 24 0 51.067528 0.702654
TN30 7BJ 38 0 51.06663 0.704885
TN30 7BL 16 0 51.06746 0.703235
TN30 7BN 7 0 51.068549 0.701671
TN30 7BP 40 0 51.06867 0.699523
TN30 7BQ 40 0 51.066712 0.700194
TN30 7BS 30 0 51.068304 0.698259
TN30 7BU 10 0 51.066925 0.70653
TN30 7BW 6 0 51.069439 0.697797
TN30 7BX 60 0 51.067428 0.70112
TN30 7BY 13 0 51.067772 0.697515
TN30 7BZ 23 0 51.06706 0.698372
TN30 7DA 3 0 51.066682 0.694468