all postcodes in TN3 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN30 6UE 5 0 51.065592 0.661617
TN30 6UG 19 0 51.066999 0.675587
TN30 6UH 9 0 51.066603 0.675592
TN30 6UJ 10 0 51.068974 0.673402
TN30 6UL 10 0 51.073831 0.665545
TN30 6UN 9 0 51.07845 0.660984
TN30 6UP 12 2 51.080961 0.650619
TN30 6UR 7 1 51.084023 0.647253
TN30 6UW 10 0 51.080364 0.653912
TN30 6UX 2 0 51.083139 0.65206
TN30 6UY 3 0 51.083875 0.658125
TN30 6WD 1 0 51.070876 0.690072
TN30 6WF 1 1 51.070876 0.690072
TN30 6XA 7 1 51.077279 0.672853
TN30 6RF 0 51.070747 0.692534
TN30 6FA 1 51.067009 0.686936
TN30 6QT 0 51.075005 0.693167
TN30 6RW 0 51.072501 0.695677
TN30 6JJ 0 51.066444 0.680194
TN30 6LH 0 51.071472 0.689564