all postcodes in TN3 / TUNBRIDGE WELLS

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Postcode Area

TN / Tunbridge Wells

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TN30 6SU 2 0 51.098603 0.686956
TN30 6SX 3 1 51.099954 0.684989
TN30 6SY 4 0 51.104074 0.680256
TN30 6TA 11 1 51.099472 0.680119
TN30 6TB 4 0 51.096752 0.676762
TN30 6TD 6 0 51.099455 0.67379
TN30 6TE 1 0 51.099945 0.66809
TN30 6TG 4 0 51.09755 0.668609
TN30 6TH 6 0 51.090246 0.673261
TN30 6TL 5 0 51.084732 0.682422
TN30 6TJ 6 0 51.083893 0.674594
TN30 6TQ 3 0 51.08632 0.667277
TN30 6TS 23 0 51.066719 0.679596
TN30 6TT 9 0 51.066311 0.677745
TN30 6TU 10 1 51.063504 0.673747
TN30 6TX 1 1 51.064487 0.674914
TN30 6TY 10 0 51.065904 0.674599
TN30 6UA 40 0 51.065853 0.669868
TN30 6UB 3 0 51.066494 0.667792
TN30 6UD 13 3 51.065877 0.664873