all postcodes in TR12 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR12 6NU 9 0 50.038998 -5.087838
TR12 6NT 6 0 50.044382 -5.095755
TR12 6NW 7 1 50.049673 -5.088546
TR12 6NX 3 0 50.044805 -5.08226
TR12 6NY 14 0 50.045881 -5.076526
TR12 6NZ 3 0 50.046342 -5.08736
TR12 6PA 6 0 50.047593 -5.091961
TR12 6PB 21 1 50.048444 -5.091197
TR12 6PD 14 0 50.048977 -5.084693
TR12 6PE 8 5 50.047612 -5.091018
TR12 6PG 1 0 50.054484 -5.100165
TR12 6PH 2 0 50.059867 -5.087119
TR12 6PJ 2 0 50.064874 -5.085582
TR12 6PL 22 0 50.066855 -5.081536
TR12 6PN 16 0 50.068186 -5.081887
TR12 6PP 17 2 50.06699 -5.07984
TR12 6PQ 8 0 50.055168 -5.093055
TR12 6PR 10 0 50.07301 -5.083832
TR12 6PS 6 1 50.072045 -5.0934
TR12 6PT 18 0 50.060498 -5.114066