all postcodes in TR12 / HELSTON

find any address or company within the TR12 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR12 6PU 2 0 50.056984 -5.116222
TR12 6PW 20 0 50.06815 -5.080529
TR12 6PX 4 0 50.057752 -5.099048
TR12 6QD 23 0 50.050981 -5.091424
TR12 6QE 3 0 50.052223 -5.090141
TR12 6QF 20 0 50.050985 -5.090382
TR12 6QG 10 0 50.060607 -5.082072
TR12 6QH 4 0 50.062914 -5.077496
TR12 6QJ 2 1 50.067357 -5.070675
TR12 6QL 8 0 50.058346 -5.072998
TR12 6QN 3 0 50.0565 -5.074445
TR12 6QP 7 1 50.054206 -5.070707
TR12 6QQ 5 1 50.055779 -5.079233
TR12 6QR 24 0 50.050696 -5.072041
TR12 6QS 16 1 50.050862 -5.081447
TR12 6QW 21 1 50.055743 -5.066697
TR12 6RA 58 0 50.047973 -5.092921
TR12 6RB 4 0 50.050079 -5.098953
TR12 6RD 5 0 50.046259 -5.111006
TR12 6RE 7 0 50.051954 -5.111318