all postcodes in TR2 / TRURO

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR2 5BN 9 0 50.159629 -5.016535
TR2 5BP 5 1 50.160041 -5.016603
TR2 5BQ 7 0 50.158163 -5.016849
TR2 5BS 15 0 50.161822 -5.017182
TR2 5BT 6 0 50.161761 -5.016529
TR2 5BU 17 0 50.160322 -5.017909
TR2 5BW 27 0 50.158935 -5.017518
TR2 5BX 9 0 50.160658 -5.018112
TR2 5BY 4 0 50.161253 -5.018416
TR2 5BZ 23 0 50.158251 -5.021069
TR2 5DA 2 0 50.156587 -5.023405
TR2 5DB 3 0 50.159836 -5.01617
TR2 5DD 2 0 50.161793 -5.018301
TR2 5DE 10 1 50.157894 -5.026493
TR2 5DG 10 8 50.158221 -5.015205
TR2 5DH 20 6 50.15897 -5.014519
TR2 5DJ 9 2 50.159424 -5.012993
TR2 5DL 29 2 50.159074 -5.014587
TR2 5DN 25 1 50.158433 -5.015479
TR2 5DP 12 2 50.157675 -5.017187