all postcodes in TR2 / TRURO

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Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR2 5ER 9 2 50.183705 -4.989963
TR2 5ES 15 1 50.17448 -4.987706
TR2 5ET 12 5 50.172377 -4.984707
TR2 5EU 1 0 50.164565 -4.985336
TR2 5EW 34 2 50.190526 -4.972019
TR2 5EX 7 0 50.15819 -4.986591
TR2 5EY 21 0 50.151729 -4.996101
TR2 5EZ 10 0 50.149653 -5.004035
TR2 5GA 5 0 50.178055 -4.980574
TR2 5HA 7 0 50.142111 -5.013878
TR2 5HD 7 0 50.181305 -4.975565
TR2 5HE 32 0 50.178718 -4.973317
TR2 5HF 13 0 50.179279 -4.974813
TR2 5HG 5 0 50.17909 -4.975274
TR2 5HH 37 0 50.180075 -4.975353
TR2 5HJ 5 0 50.179766 -4.975596
TR2 5HL 3 0 50.180825 -4.975662
TR2 5HN 14 0 50.178791 -4.975703
TR2 5HP 23 0 50.178709 -4.976697
TR2 5HQ 3 0 50.179523 -4.975244