all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 7QG 0 50.206109 -5.118354
TR3 7QH 0 50.20485 -5.121341
TR3 7QL 0 50.204401 -5.11998
TR3 7QN 0 50.204155 -5.119768
TR3 7QP 0 50.199943 -5.123774
TR3 7QQ 0 50.205325 -5.121064
TR3 7QR 0 50.197021 -5.127767
TR3 7QS 1 50.196125 -5.128311
TR3 7QT 0 50.194773 -5.129764
TR3 7QU 0 50.206339 -5.119841
TR3 7QW 0 50.200951 -5.124479
TR3 7QX 0 50.211431 -5.117804
TR3 7QY 0 50.213415 -5.117961
TR3 7RA 0 50.19394 -5.140226
TR3 7RB 0 50.18676 -5.176941
TR3 7RD 0 50.187644 -5.177532
TR3 7RE 0 50.189698 -5.171538
TR3 7RF 0 50.211469 -5.121036
TR3 7RG 0 50.215861 -5.124346
TR3 7RH 0 50.215252 -5.120226