all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 7RJ 0 50.197912 -5.147712
TR3 7RL 0 50.187961 -5.174212
TR3 7RN 0 50.189309 -5.180158
TR3 7RQ 1 50.198888 -5.146585
TR3 7RS 0 50.197095 -5.147686
TR3 7RT 0 50.203266 -5.125359
TR3 7RW 0 50.217006 -5.110835
TR3 7XZ 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR3 7ZQ 1 50.255282 -5.046106
TR3 7RX 1 1 50.217349 -5.110465
TR3 7AH 2 0 50.190712 -5.18243
TR3 7AZ 43 0 50.197149 -5.144354
TR3 7FB 8 0 50.197168 -5.143305
TR3 7FD 4 0 50.191487 -5.180135
TR3 7FE 4 0 50.190464 -5.183927
TR3 7FF 3 0 50.207885 -5.125176
TR3 7JR 0 50.204335 -5.117411
TR3 7FA 0 50.214374 -5.117048
TR3 7FH 0 50.196462 -5.14475
TR3 7FJ 0 50.190925 -5.181884