all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 7GD 0 50.189252 -5.178627
TR3 7HD 0 50.198154 -5.145093
TR3 7HE 0 50.197834 -5.144638
TR3 7HF 0 50.196931 -5.147746
TR3 7HG 0 50.196278 -5.147268
TR3 7HH 0 50.196208 -5.145203
TR3 7HJ 0 50.19551 -5.148409
TR3 7HL 0 50.189182 -5.162102
TR3 7HN 0 50.185649 -5.154065
TR3 7HP 0 50.186312 -5.145912
TR3 7HQ 0 50.196762 -5.146025
TR3 7HR 0 50.185893 -5.142101
TR3 7HS 0 50.189638 -5.137954
TR3 7HT 0 50.190481 -5.136448
TR3 7HU 0 50.191729 -5.137188
TR3 7HW 0 50.191034 -5.150903
TR3 7HY 1 50.19847 -5.146067
TR3 7HZ 0 50.198378 -5.144141
TR3 7JA 0 50.200603 -5.143026
TR3 7JB 0 50.200763 -5.144088