all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 7JD 0 50.203689 -5.146999
TR3 7JE 1 50.203614 -5.145739
TR3 7JF 0 50.204735 -5.1469
TR3 7JG 0 50.201322 -5.152652
TR3 7JH 0 50.206263 -5.158214
TR3 7JJ 0 50.210467 -5.146198
TR3 7JL 1 50.204593 -5.138214
TR3 7JN 0 50.200025 -5.132477
TR3 7JP 0 50.211671 -5.119572
TR3 7JQ 7 50.204766 -5.148752
TR3 7JS 0 50.211057 -5.119336
TR3 7JT 0 50.210676 -5.119787
TR3 7JU 1 50.210945 -5.121151
TR3 7JX 0 50.2098 -5.12294
TR3 7JY 0 50.208274 -5.125139
TR3 7PG 0 50.20776 -5.126185
TR3 7JZ 0 50.20843 -5.123678
TR3 7LA 3 50.209118 -5.122517
TR3 7LB 0 50.21389 -5.117684
TR3 7LD 0 50.215325 -5.116465