all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 7ND 0 50.218841 -5.120895
TR3 7NF 0 50.211663 -5.119894
TR3 7NG 0 50.218039 -5.106865
TR3 7NH 0 50.220067 -5.105384
TR3 7NJ 0 50.21586 -5.111594
TR3 7NL 0 50.21543 -5.110929
TR3 7NN 0 50.216283 -5.109961
TR3 7NP 0 50.215776 -5.104699
TR3 7NQ 0 50.219186 -5.106701
TR3 7NR 8 50.213069 -5.10094
TR3 7NS 0 50.210044 -5.101425
TR3 7NT 0 50.208338 -5.108337
TR3 7NU 1 50.207352 -5.114931
TR3 7NX 0 50.204133 -5.118898
TR3 7NY 2 50.205192 -5.118
TR3 7NZ 0 50.205614 -5.113604
TR3 7PA 0 50.203729 -5.117176
TR3 7PB 0 50.200605 -5.101177
TR3 7PD 0 50.196782 -5.112252
TR3 7PE 4 50.194562 -5.12282