all postcodes in TR3 / TRURO

find any address or company within the TR3 postcode district

Postcode Area

TR / Truro

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
TR3 7LE 0 50.215495 -5.115854
TR3 7LF 0 50.215955 -5.112463
TR3 7LG 1 50.212895 -5.118881
TR3 7NW 0 50.216488 -5.109371
TR3 7LH 0 50.216809 -5.110422
TR3 7LJ 0 50.21707 -5.109465
TR3 7LL 0 50.220294 -5.109339
TR3 7LN 0 50.225015 -5.114764
TR3 7LP 0 50.217572 -5.119256
TR3 7LQ 0 50.216814 -5.111277
TR3 7LR 0 50.216729 -5.120168
TR3 7LS 0 50.216451 -5.123487
TR3 7LT 0 50.216029 -5.119113
TR3 7LU 0 50.215136 -5.122195
TR3 7LW 0 50.220182 -5.115192
TR3 7LX 0 50.215159 -5.12437
TR3 7LY 1 50.217286 -5.126506
TR3 7LZ 0 50.219995 -5.130827
TR3 7NA 1 50.22332 -5.126278
TR3 7NB 0 50.219298 -5.124318