all postcodes in UB3 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB3 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB3 1JD 0 51.514861 -0.432469
UB3 1JE 0 51.514538 -0.435925
UB3 1JF 0 51.515118 -0.428843
UB3 1JG 0 51.514173 -0.427463
UB3 1JH 0 51.514223 -0.428485
UB3 1JJ 0 51.515524 -0.432951
UB3 1JL 0 51.51534 -0.431314
UB3 1JN 0 51.515286 -0.434688
UB3 1JP 0 51.517078 -0.433517
UB3 1JQ 0 51.515435 -0.427621
UB3 1JR 0 51.516421 -0.432113
UB3 1JS 0 51.517421 -0.436345
UB3 1JT 0 51.516734 -0.436022
UB3 1JU 0 51.516158 -0.436705
UB3 1JW 0 51.516258 -0.434079
UB3 1JX 0 51.515173 -0.436998
UB3 1JY 0 51.514691 -0.436597
UB3 1JZ 0 51.51495 -0.435738
UB3 1LA 0 51.515866 -0.435649
UB3 1LB 0 51.516213 -0.435256