all postcodes in UB3 / SOUTHALL

find any address or company within the UB3 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB3 1LD 0 51.517114 -0.4349
UB3 1LE 0 51.516173 -0.431098
UB3 1LF 0 51.516683 -0.430216
UB3 1LG 0 51.514469 -0.42937
UB3 1LH 1 51.496738 -0.430152
UB3 1LJ 0 51.495835 -0.430543
UB3 1LL 2 51.494466 -0.431728
UB3 1LN 0 51.496863 -0.430767
UB3 1LP 1 51.494237 -0.430742
UB3 1LQ 0 51.513214 -0.426329
UB3 1LS 8 51.497862 -0.430214
UB3 1LT 1 51.498544 -0.43009
UB3 1LU 0 51.499661 -0.430225
UB3 1LW 0 51.495864 -0.431421
UB3 1LX 0 51.500852 -0.430544
UB3 1LY 0 51.494908 -0.431117
UB3 1LZ 0 51.502175 -0.431248
UB3 1NA 0 51.497774 -0.429684
UB3 1NB 0 51.498511 -0.429601
UB3 1ND 0 51.499537 -0.429667