all postcodes in UB6 / GREENFORD

find any address or company within the UB6 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB6 7JA 0 51.541883 -0.31756
UB6 7JB 13 51.535305 -0.31352
UB6 7JD 45 51.536387 -0.31487
UB6 7JF 1 51.535039 -0.312506
UB6 7JJ 16 51.535943 -0.317202
UB6 7JZ 30 51.535753 -0.309668
UB6 7LA 30 51.53817 -0.316413
UB6 7LD 19 51.535761 -0.31573
UB6 7LF 9 51.536578 -0.312637
UB6 7LH 12 51.538922 -0.317438
UB6 7LQ 25 51.536457 -0.311704
UB6 7LR 2 51.539418 -0.318695
UB6 7NN 0 51.538249 -0.323808
UB6 7NP 1 51.539139 -0.324395
UB6 7NR 0 51.53834 -0.324468
UB6 7NS 1 51.53738 -0.324662
UB6 7NT 0 51.539933 -0.323933
UB6 7NU 0 51.541621 -0.324419
UB6 7PB 0 51.54238 -0.324637
UB6 7PD 0 51.538076 -0.32615