all postcodes in UB6 / GREENFORD

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB6 7QU 0 51.551977 -0.327991
UB6 7QW 0 51.551084 -0.327187
UB6 7RA 0 51.540629 -0.322942
UB6 7RB 0 51.5407 -0.321035
UB6 7RD 0 51.540072 -0.321751
UB6 7RE 0 51.540097 -0.322875
UB6 7RH 4 51.53696 -0.320423
UB6 7RJ 7 51.53828 -0.319048
UB6 7RL 10 51.538157 -0.321778
UB6 7RW 1 51.538855 -0.32155
UB6 7WJ 1 51.546772 -0.370915
UB6 7ZQ 1 51.546772 -0.370915
UB6 7ZR 1 1 51.546772 -0.370915
UB6 7PQ 1 1 51.543397 -0.323446
UB6 7FD 15 0 51.539187 -0.32585
UB6 7FE 12 0 51.539751 -0.325685
UB6 7FF 12 0 51.540104 -0.325831
UB6 7FG 11 0 51.540253 -0.3262
UB6 7FH 11 0 51.540425 -0.32628
UB6 7FJ 11 0 51.540643 -0.325811