all postcodes in UB6 / GREENFORD

find any address or company within the UB6 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB6 7PE 0 51.538758 -0.326702
UB6 7PF 0 51.538905 -0.325038
UB6 7PG 0 51.538439 -0.325733
UB6 7PH 3 51.542752 -0.326829
UB6 7PP 6 51.5363 -0.318839
UB6 7PR 1 51.536349 -0.319855
UB6 7PT 1 51.536746 -0.318672
UB6 7PY 1 51.536033 -0.319117
UB6 7QB 2 51.53626 -0.318041
UB6 7QF 0 51.551562 -0.329809
UB6 7QG 0 51.551254 -0.329633
UB6 7QH 6 51.55023 -0.330954
UB6 7QJ 0 51.54993 -0.330749
UB6 7QL 1 51.548997 -0.329629
UB6 7QN 0 51.550429 -0.329173
UB6 7QP 0 51.552159 -0.326903
UB6 7QQ 0 51.550605 -0.331416
UB6 7QR 0 51.551186 -0.32613
UB6 7QS 0 51.552324 -0.330214
UB6 7QT 0 51.551982 -0.330212