all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

find any address or company within the UB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 7DL 40 0 51.50095 -0.483042
UB7 7DN 20 0 51.510793 -0.473089
UB7 7DP 27 7 51.511899 -0.472446
UB7 7DQ 1 1 51.510171 -0.473686
UB7 7DR 1 1 51.512454 -0.472212
UB7 7DS 20 5 51.51259 -0.472201
UB7 7EA 41 0 51.498683 -0.478824
UB7 7EB 9 0 51.499078 -0.478782
UB7 7ED 10 0 51.498908 -0.479445
UB7 7EQ 41 2 51.501815 -0.478374
UB7 7EH 31 0 51.501005 -0.481095
UB7 7EJ 1 0 51.500835 -0.482541
UB7 7EL 4 0 51.500862 -0.48254
UB7 7EN 10 0 51.50156 -0.478679
UB7 7EP 29 0 51.501742 -0.481013
UB7 7ER 6 0 51.502399 -0.481077
UB7 7ES 14 0 51.501072 -0.479277
UB7 7ET 8 0 51.500447 -0.479644
UB7 7EU 3 0 51.498939 -0.477101
UB7 7EW 16 0 51.502189 -0.479428