all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 8DQ 35 0 51.5212 -0.464395
UB7 8DR 9 0 51.521447 -0.468149
UB7 8DS 37 0 51.521863 -0.469677
UB7 8DT 47 0 51.51987 -0.465823
UB7 8DW 4 0 51.522083 -0.465893
UB7 8DX 31 0 51.521437 -0.470844
UB7 8EA 33 0 51.511186 -0.471519
UB7 8EB 12 11 51.510492 -0.459063
UB7 8EP 7 6 51.510991 -0.472326
UB7 8EQ 2 2 51.510397 -0.466755
UB7 8ER 40 0 51.511941 -0.470773
UB7 8ES 49 1 51.512805 -0.470888
UB7 8ET 20 0 51.511487 -0.470457
UB7 8EU 48 1 51.512484 -0.469732
UB7 8EX 24 12 51.513359 -0.471195
UB7 8EY 30 9 51.513658 -0.47148
UB7 8EZ 19 4 51.513791 -0.469919
UB7 8HF 37 1 51.512702 -0.469027
UB7 8HG 7 0 51.511693 -0.469009
UB7 8HJ 31 2 51.511759 -0.467205