all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

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Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 8HL 18 0 51.51207 -0.46486
UB7 8HN 31 0 51.51285 -0.468077
UB7 8HP 4 4 51.511231 -0.46249
UB7 8HQ 26 0 51.511374 -0.468717
UB7 8HR 30 0 51.511443 -0.465732
UB7 8HS 16 0 51.511423 -0.466928
UB7 8HT 22 1 51.511236 -0.459571
UB7 8HW 35 0 51.512854 -0.467702
UB7 8HX 4 3 51.512049 -0.457664
UB7 8HY 9 8 51.508464 -0.455932
UB7 8HZ 8 7 51.511849 -0.461712
UB7 8JD 6 4 51.510159 -0.460264
UB7 8JL 11 9 51.510237 -0.465492
UB7 8JR 1 1 51.510459 -0.463401
UB7 8JU 4 4 51.512274 -0.46053
UB7 8JX 28 0 51.51448 -0.468267
UB7 8JY 22 0 51.514609 -0.466504
UB7 8JZ 32 0 51.514919 -0.464721
UB7 8LA 14 0 51.514652 -0.463563
UB7 8LB 42 0 51.513845 -0.463028