all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

find any address or company within the UB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 8PB 43 0 51.51659 -0.468052
UB7 8PD 33 0 51.516833 -0.465306
UB7 8PE 70 2 51.514658 -0.470221
UB7 8PF 36 0 51.516088 -0.470124
UB7 8PG 11 10 51.510402 -0.462423
UB7 8PJ 5 0 51.514211 -0.469717
UB7 8PL 66 0 51.510642 -0.467718
UB7 8PP 4 0 51.514662 -0.469817
UB7 8PZ 10 0 51.514936 -0.469491
UB7 8QE 59 0 51.518418 -0.468928
UB7 8QF 59 0 51.517987 -0.468322
UB7 8QG 15 0 51.5174 -0.469524
UB7 8QN 9 0 51.519047 -0.464756
UB7 8QP 11 0 51.518712 -0.465314
UB7 8QQ 12 0 51.517895 -0.46883
UB7 8QR 40 0 51.517893 -0.46452
UB7 8QS 36 0 51.518063 -0.465192
UB7 8QW 7 0 51.518418 -0.465483
UB7 8RA 10 0 51.518996 -0.467035
UB7 8RB 19 0 51.519151 -0.465833