all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

find any address or company within the UB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 9AP 36 0 51.505295 -0.452912
UB7 9AQ 28 0 51.506971 -0.454527
UB7 9AR 28 0 51.505433 -0.455919
UB7 9AS 36 0 51.505927 -0.453107
UB7 9AT 18 0 51.504224 -0.465167
UB7 9AW 34 0 51.504945 -0.455028
UB7 9BL 9 3 51.505725 -0.44869
UB7 9BN 8 8 51.503897 -0.451908
UB7 9BP 43 0 51.507883 -0.467027
UB7 9BT 11 1 51.508969 -0.47325
UB7 9BU 15 0 51.508437 -0.468974
UB7 9BW 1 0 51.504063 -0.452205
UB7 9BX 43 0 51.509156 -0.468273
UB7 9BY 3 1 51.508937 -0.472848
UB7 9BZ 53 0 51.509103 -0.471113
UB7 9DA 38 0 51.508287 -0.470535
UB7 9DB 17 0 51.507372 -0.470033
UB7 9DD 29 0 51.507959 -0.468875
UB7 9DE 48 0 51.50701 -0.469152
UB7 9DF 40 0 51.507182 -0.467186