all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

find any address or company within the UB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 8RD 21 0 51.518454 -0.466159
UB7 8RE 11 0 51.517773 -0.466277
UB7 8RF 8 0 51.517944 -0.467113
UB7 8RG 4 0 51.518483 -0.467037
UB7 8EH 8 0 51.511444 -0.472029
UB7 8EW 11 10 51.509479 -0.459255
UB7 8FB 10 0 51.512696 -0.463931
UB7 8FD 35 0 51.513184 -0.472331
UB7 8QD 3 0 51.514405 -0.469437
UB7 8FA 50 0 51.510522 -0.470936
UB7 9AA 33 0 51.504732 -0.461945
UB7 9AB 14 0 51.504234 -0.462487
UB7 9AD 16 0 51.504137 -0.459868
UB7 9AE 27 8 51.504571 -0.457994
UB7 9AF 6 0 51.504925 -0.456916
UB7 9AG 49 0 51.506172 -0.45735
UB7 9AH 35 0 51.506344 -0.451969
UB7 9AJ 12 0 51.505535 -0.451334
UB7 9AL 63 1 51.507482 -0.457011
UB7 9AN 16 0 51.505936 -0.454383