all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

find any address or company within the UB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 0JL 4 0 51.488504 -0.456808
UB7 0JN 10 0 51.488586 -0.455552
UB7 0JP 19 0 51.484567 -0.456158
UB7 0JQ 30 1 51.489903 -0.459282
UB7 0JR 18 0 51.48547 -0.45583
UB7 0JS 5 0 51.482805 -0.448143
UB7 0JT 21 0 51.482732 -0.447325
UB7 0JU 1 1 51.4944 -0.455932
UB7 0JW 27 0 51.484627 -0.45534
UB7 0JX 10 0 51.486865 -0.456633
UB7 0JY 30 0 51.486708 -0.454982
UB7 0LB 9 7 51.483492 -0.480006
UB7 0LE 12 0 51.48952 -0.474001
UB7 0LF 12 0 51.489554 -0.472473
UB7 0LH 13 0 51.490365 -0.458863
UB7 0LJ 4 2 51.483239 -0.478353
UB7 0LQ 1 1 51.488801 -0.475422
UB7 0LR 29 0 51.491492 -0.457038
UB7 0LS 17 0 51.490849 -0.457348
UB7 0LW 19 12 51.49074 -0.484053