all postcodes in UB7 / WEST DRAYTON

find any address or company within the UB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

UB / Southall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
UB7 7AP 43 0 51.509372 -0.484203
UB7 7AQ 39 0 51.507577 -0.480314
UB7 7AR 6 0 51.509785 -0.479967
UB7 7AT 63 0 51.509437 -0.476722
UB7 7AU 29 0 51.50878 -0.47598
UB7 7AW 22 0 51.509452 -0.482039
UB7 7BB 5 5 51.513641 -0.472921
UB7 7BD 14 14 51.514103 -0.473165
UB7 7BE 10 6 51.514785 -0.473748
UB7 7BG 13 0 51.513778 -0.473075
UB7 7BJ 1 1 51.537324 -0.487355
UB7 7BQ 4 4 51.513503 -0.472695
UB7 7BT 16 10 51.509121 -0.4737
UB7 7BY 26 11 51.509073 -0.474192
UB7 7BZ 1 1 51.508727 -0.473979
UB7 7DA 1 1 51.5084 -0.473687
UB7 7DD 12 5 51.50832 -0.473626
UB7 7DE 12 5 51.508512 -0.473216
UB7 7DH 1 1 51.510412 -0.473534
UB7 7DJ 2 0 51.510412 -0.473534