all postcodes in W1S / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1S postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1S 4JN 1 0 51.508183 -0.141454
W1S 4JQ 1 1 51.508621 -0.141854
W1S 4JR 1 0 51.508026 -0.14123
W1S 4JS 1 0 51.509578 -0.142132
W1S 4JU 5 5 51.510535 -0.142324
W1S 4JW 1 0 51.508172 -0.141339
W1S 4JX 1 1 51.510552 -0.142251
W1S 4JY 3 3 51.510623 -0.142234
W1S 4JZ 4 3 51.510666 -0.142074
W1S 4LA 1 1 51.507766 -0.141284
W1S 4LB 1 1 51.507875 -0.141294
W1S 4LD 10 1 51.50794 -0.141435
W1S 4LE 1 0 51.50794 -0.141435
W1S 4LF 8 1 51.50805 -0.141575
W1S 4LG 1 0 51.50805 -0.141575
W1S 4LH 1 0 51.508223 -0.141726
W1S 4LL 1 0 51.508223 -0.141726
W1S 4LP 1 0 51.508397 -0.141935
W1S 4LQ 5 5 51.508195 -0.141627
W1S 4LR 2 1 51.508536 -0.142063