all postcodes in W1S / LONDON

find any address or company within the W1S postcode district

Postcode Area

W / West London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
W1S 4NY 1 1 51.50762 -0.141708
W1S 4NZ 1 0 51.507893 -0.141869
W1S 4PA 1 1 51.508223 -0.139997
W1S 4PB 1 1 51.508277 -0.140038
W1S 4PD 6 4 51.508386 -0.140106
W1S 4PE 1 1 51.508386 -0.140106
W1S 4PF 1 1 51.509082 -0.141432
W1S 4PG 1 0 51.508465 -0.139973
W1S 4PH 1 0 51.508592 -0.140025
W1S 4PJ 1 1 51.508633 -0.140326
W1S 4PL 1 1 51.508688 -0.140396
W1S 4PN 1 1 51.508733 -0.140452
W1S 4PP 1 1 51.508917 -0.140661
W1S 4PQ 1 0 51.508386 -0.140106
W1S 4PR 1 1 51.50906 -0.140597
W1S 4PS 5 5 51.50906 -0.140597
W1S 4PU 2 1 51.50928 -0.14092
W1S 4PW 1 1 51.508733 -0.140452
W1S 4PX 3 3 51.50928 -0.14092
W1S 4PY 7 7 51.509442 -0.140927