all postcodes in WF13 / MIRFIELD

find any address or company within the WF13 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF13 1AA 2 1 53.692022 -1.62831
WF13 1AB 3 3 53.69204 -1.628371
WF13 1AE 9 7 53.692053 -1.628746
WF13 1AG 3 3 53.692314 -1.629762
WF13 1AJ 2 1 53.692396 -1.630094
WF13 1AR 21 1 53.692267 -1.631106
WF13 1AT 1 1 53.692203 -1.630743
WF13 1AU 15 4 53.692183 -1.630914
WF13 1BG 7 2 53.691362 -1.630058
WF13 1BH 8 0 53.691514 -1.629875
WF13 1BL 5 4 53.691112 -1.629435
WF13 1BQ 8 0 53.691847 -1.631716
WF13 1BW 5 3 53.691228 -1.629237
WF13 1DB 3 2 53.69149 -1.62975
WF13 1DD 1 1 53.691534 -1.62928
WF13 1DF 1 1 53.691633 -1.629279
WF13 1DH 1 1 53.691903 -1.629368
WF13 1DL 3 2 53.691586 -1.628841
WF13 1DN 1 1 53.691621 -1.628416
WF13 1DQ 4 4 53.691585 -1.629283