all postcodes in WF13 / MIRFIELD

find any address or company within the WF13 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF13 3BB 18 0 53.677367 -1.671883
WF13 3BD 14 0 53.678157 -1.671756
WF13 3BE 17 1 53.677103 -1.670613
WF13 3BG 23 0 53.678519 -1.67254
WF13 3BH 38 0 53.677116 -1.672309
WF13 3BJ 8 0 53.676524 -1.672571
WF13 3BL 2 0 53.676125 -1.672698
WF13 3BN 12 0 53.676194 -1.673633
WF13 3BQ 38 0 53.67713 -1.67414
WF13 3BS 4 0 53.681151 -1.663576
WF13 3BT 66 4 53.680576 -1.662335
WF13 3BW 8 0 53.676759 -1.673038
WF13 3BX 42 0 53.681181 -1.664408
WF13 3DA 42 0 53.682387 -1.662006
WF13 3DB 12 1 53.68176 -1.664703
WF13 3DD 43 0 53.682715 -1.665573
WF13 3DE 22 1 53.681357 -1.666269
WF13 3DF 75 0 53.682569 -1.66453
WF13 3DG 25 0 53.681516 -1.6674
WF13 3DH 20 0 53.681924 -1.666718