all postcodes in WF13 / MIRFIELD

find any address or company within the WF13 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF13 4LF 5 0 53.696996 -1.643151
WF13 4LG 21 0 53.696952 -1.643454
WF13 4LH 3 0 53.696418 -1.645458
WF13 4LJ 1 0 53.696101 -1.644552
WF13 4NQ 18 0 53.695632 -1.649963
WF13 4LL 12 3 53.694943 -1.645031
WF13 4LN 24 1 53.696131 -1.639417
WF13 4LP 20 0 53.696418 -1.648381
WF13 4LQ 20 1 53.697271 -1.644981
WF13 4LR 35 0 53.697227 -1.648283
WF13 4LS 16 0 53.69427 -1.640482
WF13 4LT 25 0 53.696792 -1.647348
WF13 4LU 10 0 53.696691 -1.64638
WF13 4LW 8 0 53.696092 -1.647566
WF13 4LX 10 0 53.696422 -1.646791
WF13 4LY 21 0 53.697239 -1.646405
WF13 4LZ 17 0 53.697458 -1.647373
WF13 4NA 19 1 53.69783 -1.648536
WF13 4NB 1 0 53.697543 -1.648811
WF13 4ND 19 2 53.697744 -1.650006