all postcodes in WF13 / MIRFIELD

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Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF13 1JQ 8 4 53.690991 -1.629122
WF13 1JS 10 9 53.690272 -1.631002
WF13 1JT 3 1 53.690333 -1.630608
WF13 1JU 1 1 53.690439 -1.629926
WF13 1JX 1 1 53.690888 -1.629892
WF13 1LB 7 5 53.690646 -1.629894
WF13 1LD 1 1 53.69063 -1.63053
WF13 1LF 12 3 53.691052 -1.630481
WF13 1LH 7 4 53.691195 -1.630192
WF13 1LJ 4 1 53.691248 -1.630755
WF13 1LL 1 1 53.687729 -1.634174
WF13 1LS 6 1 53.691123 -1.631256
WF13 1LT 7 0 53.69089 -1.631319
WF13 1NA 29 3 53.69086 -1.63236
WF13 1NB 6 4 53.690384 -1.632501
WF13 1NH 18 17 53.69045 -1.628733
WF13 1NL 4 1 53.690894 -1.628816
WF13 1NR 1 0 53.693004 -1.625284
WF13 1NS 1 1 53.693212 -1.62551
WF13 1NU 5 0 53.694573 -1.621075