all postcodes in WF3 / WAKEFIELD

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Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF3 1BA 28 0 53.724055 -1.580907
WF3 1BB 16 0 53.722602 -1.581649
WF3 1BD 3 0 53.721846 -1.578868
WF3 1BF 34 0 53.730664 -1.581599
WF3 1BG 11 0 53.722419 -1.580817
WF3 1BH 12 0 53.722917 -1.581737
WF3 1BJ 19 0 53.723547 -1.581988
WF3 1BL 42 0 53.723673 -1.584806
WF3 1BN 14 1 53.724534 -1.584236
WF3 1BP 4 1 53.723926 -1.583154
WF3 1BQ 20 0 53.721959 -1.582943
WF3 1BT 35 0 53.722596 -1.579861
WF3 1BU 2 0 53.735425 -1.576249
WF3 1BW 3 0 53.725044 -1.584189
WF3 1BZ 13 0 53.731846 -1.570295
WF3 1DA 12 0 53.722623 -1.582634
WF3 1DB 1 0 53.724485 -1.582933
WF3 1DE 30 0 53.721514 -1.581644
WF3 1DF 13 0 53.718403 -1.581205
WF3 1DG 8 0 53.71692 -1.581281